Coalition Structure V3
SAVESAU Coalition Logo v2 - white transparent

  Our Conceptual Model

The SaveSAU "PRAY" Strategic Framework

The SaveSAU Coalition has developed a preliminary working strategic framework entitled "PRAY" with the following strategic goals to save Saint Augustine's University:


Preserve and protect the University's assets and minimize loss


Restore and strengthen key components of the University to position it for sustainability and future success


Secure and stabilize the University's accreditation status.


Establish compelling value proposition and niche brand in higher education.


In our collective efforts to save SAU, Coalition members are forming and participating on work groups to develop and implement viable strategies within the “PRAY’ goal areas listed above.  Download SaveSAU preliminary strategic framework here.

If you are interested in getting involved, please complete the interest form below:

SaveSAU PRAY Strategic Framework Work Group Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in the SaveSAU Strategic Framework.  Please provide your contact information below and a SaveSAU Coalition member will contact you shortly.

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